Garden Medicine Making - Salves, Tinctures & Teas (August 22, 2019)
Regular price
Wild Yarrow is partnering with Sustainable Food Edmonton (SFE) to bring you this informative (and affordable!) herbal medicine summer workshops series! 🌿
SFE is a local non-profit organization that initiates and supports projects and programs to encourage the building of community through urban agriculture. These workshops are for YOU!
Workshop #3- Garden Medicine Making
Date: Thursday August 22nd, 2019
Time: 6:30- 8:30 pm
Location: Zion Baptist Church
11908-132 Ave, Edmonton AB
Come learn the basic principles of turning your garden herbs into medicine!
We’ll discuss drying practices and how to use the “tincture folk method” to preserve your herbs using alcohol & vinegar.
We’ll also learn how to make a basic healing salve to stock your apothecary- perfect for cuts, scrapes, itchy bug bites and wound-healing.
Plus, come on a sensory discovery of what a plant’s taste can tell us about its healing properties! We’ll be delving into our senses to get to know plants on a deeper experiential level.
Thanks to SFE’s partnership, we’re able to keep the cost of the workshops down & within reach of many 💖
$42 per workshop
* To get this savings, you will be asked to bring proof of membership to the workshop
Please Note: The 2 scholarships that were available for those in financial need, generously provided by SFE, have been FILLED. Thank you.